Thomas McMurtry, age 11 of East Brunswick, New Jersey, for his question:

What are the functions of the United Nations Children's Fund?

The United Nations Children's Fund has a nice sound to it, perhaps because it mentions children. Naturally we want it to be stylish, so we give it one of those shortened alphabet names. They call it UNICEF, and UNICEF has plenty of reasons to feel proud of itself. This agency of the United Nations was started in 1946 with the aim of helping hungry children and their mothers. There is not much sense in trying to cope with this problem unless we also provide nourishment for the mothers of unborn babies. This is why UNICEF includes mothers in this program for children.

Funds from UNICEF have provided food for millions of the world's hungry children and also sent doctors to fight in the endless war against diseases that strike children. The good work of UNICEF, done quietly in forgotten corners around the globe, has been outstanding. In fact, it was so outstand¬ing that in 1965 the UNICEF agency received the Nobel Peace Prize the highest award that the 20th century has to offer. If you happened to donate a secret dime to UNICEF, you may claim a small and secret portion of that award.