Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
What is so dreadful about cholera? Written by Andy Hits: 2021
Are there really witches? Written by Andy Hits: 1765
How did smoking get started? Written by Andy Hits: 2955
Why doesn't the air go up into outer space? Written by Andy Hits: 1824
Is there an animal called a bandicoot? Written by Andy Hits: 2230
Was there really a lost continent? Written by Andy Hits: 1698
How can i attract purple martins? Written by Andy Hits: 1855
How do they measure snowfall? Written by Andy Hits: 1959
Will you please explain a neutron? Written by Andy Hits: 1703
Isn't iron pyrijte more valuable than gold? Written by Andy Hits: 2302


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