Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
How did the silverfish originate? Written by Andy Hits: 2929
Where is the bird of paradise found? Written by Andy Hits: 1064
Where do they get seeds to crow seedless oranges? Written by Andy Hits: 1013
How far is the sun from the different planets? Written by Andy Hits: 949
Do the numbers ever end? Written by Andy Hits: 1345
How can moss grow on bare rocks? Written by Andy Hits: 3482
What use are tonsils? Written by Andy Hits: 1076
What exactly is botulism? Written by Andy Hits: 1309
Why doesn't a spider get caught in her own web? Written by Andy Hits: 1001
How do the eye's rods and cones differ? Written by Andy Hits: 1193


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