Arthur Mudd, age 12, of Harrisburg, Pa., for his question:


Chamois is the common name for a goat antelope that is actually a member of the cattle family. The chamois is a hoofed, cud chewing mammal that is found in the Alps and other high mountains of central and southern Europe.

The chamois stands about 31 inches high at the shoulder and weighs about 50 to 100 pounds. The horns of both sexes, which are seldom more than seven inches long, are black and rise straight up from the forehead, bending back at the tip to form a hook.

The usual summer habitat of the chamois is in the higher mountains, not far from the snow line, where it feeds on herbs. In winter it descends to the higher forests and eats pine shoots.

The keen sensed, nimble footed animals usually live in small herds of from five to 30 individuals. One of them keeps watch as the others feed, announcing danger with a whistling sound.

The animals have been over hunted for sport, meat and the soft, pliant leather (also called chamois) made from their skins, but they are now protected in the Swiss National Park.