Phyllis Bowen, age 9, of Shreveport, La., for her question:


Spider monkeys are noted for their ability to move through branches of trees by using their tails as extra limbs. You'll find some in zoos around the world, but to find one in the wilds you'll have to look in tropical forests of the Western Hemisphere from central Mexico to central Bolivia.

A spider monkey will often hang upside down, with all four limbs and its tail grasping a branch. In this position, it resembles a large  spider.

 Spider monkeys live in the wilds in groups of from two to 100. They spend most of their time in high branches where they eat fruits and nuts.

An adult spider monkey will grow to be about two feet long, no  including his tail, and will weigh from 10 to 15 pounds. He may be black,  brown, golden, reddish or tan in color.