Linda Devlin, age 11, of Chattanooga, Tenn., for her question:


Candy is a confection whose main ingredient is sugar. Historians tell us that candy has been known since ancient times, with the first sweet treat probably having been served about 2000 B.C. in Egypt.

Then in 1470, an Italian candymaker in Venice learned to refine sugar that had been imported from the Orient. The use of this sugar for making expensive sweets was the beginning of the modern candy industry.

During American colonial times, sugar from maple tree sap provided candy for many people. Then in 1850, a revolving steam pan was invented that made it possible to make large amounts of candy at low cost.

Today, about $1.5 million worth of candy is sold in the United States every year. The U.S. produces more candy than any other country in the world. About 3.5 billion pounds of the sweet stuff is eaten each year, which comes down to about 18 pounds for every man, woman and child.

Most candy today is made from a mixture of melted sugar and water, called simple syrup. By varying ingredients or adding to them, a manufacturer can make many different kinds of candies.

There are actually three basic types of candy. The first includes those made entirely of simple syrup, such as hard candies and stick candies. The second is modified by ingredients that make up no more than five percent of the total bulk of the candy, such as nougats.

A third type of candies contain large amounts of ingredients other than simple syrup, such as caramels, fudges and chocolates.

Fudge is probably the most popular of all soft candies. It is essentially grained candy to which cream, whole milk or dairy butter has been added. Lots of people make fudge in their home kitchens.

Chocolate ranks as one of the most popular ingredients of candies. Almost any candy can be dipped in chocolate.

Candymakers usually use the best quality of chocolate for their products because it gives better flavor and provides a smoother and glossier surface. Many manufacturers still dip chocolates by hand. But most chocolates today are dipped by a machine called an enrober.

Marshmallows are made from simple syrup to which gelatin, egg whites and hydroginated sugar are added. Marshmallows are then beaten to get air into the mixture.

The carbohydrates that candy contains supply energy for vigorous physical and mental effort. Many coaches suggest a little candy for athletes as a way to provide a bit of almost pure sucrose, a form of sugar used for fuel by the body.