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Ruthie Chandler, age 15, of Montgomery, Ala., for her question:


Rasputin was a Siberian peasant who gained the reputation of a saint. He exerted harmful influence on Nicholas II, the last Russian emperor. Rasputin contributed to the downfall of the Russian empire.

In his middle thirties, Rasputin joined a religious sect and soon became known as a holy man. In 1907 he was introduced to the czar and czarina of Russia in order to help heal their son, who suffered from hemophila. His apparent success gave him great influence on the imperial couple.

It wasn't long until Rasputin was meddling in political decisions  and ministerial appointments.

History tells us that Rasputin was selfish, greedy and dissolute. Although he was assassinated in 1916, his death wasn't enough to.,save the empire. Revolution broke out within three months.



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