Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1980

Title Author Hits
Who discovered greenland? Written by Andy Hits: 1211
How does a turbine work? Written by Andy Hits: 1070
Are the big dipper and the big bear the same constellation? Written by Andy Hits: 1112
Can you explain habeas corpus? Written by Andy Hits: 1099
Where can you find a tree frog? Written by Andy Hits: 1248
When was the first lock made Written by Andy Hits: 1294
What is the u.n.'s trusteeship council? Written by Andy Hits: 1216
When was the first circus held? Written by Andy Hits: 2011
How tall is mount olympus? Written by Andy Hits: 1501
When did we start to play chess? Written by Andy Hits: 1073


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