Troy Huggins, age 13, of Dayton, Ohio, for hiis question:


A man known as the "Apostle of the Indians" in the 1600s was actually American clergyman John Eliot. Educated at Cambridge University in England, Eliot moved to the New World and settled in Boston. He had a reputation for being a nonconformist.

Eliot soon learned the Indian dialect and became a teacher. He preached without an interpreter before the Indians at Nonantum (now Newton), Mass., in 1646. Thereafter, he devoted most of his time to instructing the Indians.

Eliot gathered the Indians into 16 different settlements, of which Natick, Mass., was the first to be established.

Eliot wrote the first book printed in the Indian language. It was published in 1654 and was called "Primer of Catechism, in the Massachusetts Indian Language."

In 1661, Eliot also came up with an Indian translation of the Bible.