Welcome to You Ask Andy

  Christine Lane, age 12, of Winston‑Salem, North Carolina, for her question:

Can man stand upright on the moon?

Of course,  a person can stand upright on the moon! In 1969 we saw Neil Armstrong and Buss Aldrin wall gingerly on the surface of the moon. 1n fact, it is easier to stand up, walk, run and jump than it is on earth.  However one has to wear a spacesuit at all times so this makes getting around a bit clumsy.

The moon is smaller and much lighter. than the earth. This means it has less gravity, that powerful force which hugs us to the face of the earth. The moon's gravity is only one sixth as strong as the earths s gravity. A man should be able to take strides six times as long and jump six times as high.  However, our astronauts did not do much jumping around they were busy conducting experiments, collecting moon samples and providing us earthlings spectacular views of the  moon’s surface and views of the earth from the moon.


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