Welcome to You Ask Andy

Beth Galt, age 12, of Buttes Montana for her question:

What exactly is hydrogen peroxide?

No doubt you have heard that hydrogen peroxide can be used to turn dark hair blond. If so, maybe you have wondered why we pour it on cuts and scratches. The truth is that hydrogen peroxide can do two jobs   it can fade out colors and it can destroy germs.

Actually this watery looking stuff is a first cousin of water, Water is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen and so is peroxide,, The particles of hydrogen peroxide, however, contain an extra atom of oxygen. But this extra oxygen is far from satisfied with the combination.  When it gets a chance, it breaks away, going off into the air as oxygen gas and leaving behind just plain water. Hydrogen peroxide breaks up into oxygen gas and water when it is too warm and when it comes in contact with the air,

The runaway oxygen is very active as it breaks loose. It whams an extra dose pf oxygen into any germ in its way and destroys it.  It wrecks havoc with dyes by oxidizing them and fading their colors As it goes up through the air, it has to push its way up through the liquid water it leaves behind. For this reason, it foams and bubbles on the cut finger. Our magic blood has a special, material just to help free this oxygen faster and destroy the possible infections. If you admire the frothy bubbles, you will be far too busy to notice the slight sting.



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