Welcome to You Ask Andy

Joe Hollingsworth, age 9, of Mountain Home, Idaho, for his question;

Do other planets have light from our sun?

All the planets of our solar system travel in endless circles around the sun, which is in the center. The rays of our glorious sun stream out in all directions Some of the light and heat strikes our Earth. Some of it falls upon each of the planets and their moons.

Naturally the little planet Mercury gets the biggest dose of heat and sunshine   for it is the planet closest to the sun. Venus, our sister planet, is closer to the sun than is Earth and most likely catches more heat and sunlight than we do.

Mars is further from the sun than we are and it is thought that the temperature never rises very high upon the Red Planet, Saturn reflects a great deal of light with its dazzling rings but is thought to be a rather cool planet, Jupiter gets even less heat from the sung Uranus and Neptune are thought to be so cold that they may be covered in sheets of frozen gases, and poor little Pluto gets hardly any warmth from the sun at all   though it may get enough light to have a day and a night.



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