Welcome to You Ask Andy

Jimmy Strieber, age 10, of Charleston,

How is sorghum made?

Sorghum syrup, sweet as sugar, is squeezed from the canes and stems o" certain of the sorghum plants. The farmer may call this crop sorgo or cane, and the plant comes in many useful varieties. Kafir, milo and durra sorghums are excellent cattle food crops. The stiff bristles of the brociincorn sorghum are used, naturally, to make brooms.

The various sorghum plants grow somewhat like our stately fields of corn., Instead of the neat, golden corn ears, however, the sorghum plants are topped with plumy spikes clustered with small seeds. Sorghum syrup is extracted by crushing the sweet juices from the sorgo plant ‑ and the rest of the plant then may be fed to the farm animals.


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