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Jane Ward, age 11,

How much gravity does the sun have?

The gravity of the sun is 28 times more powerful than the gravity of the earth. Suppose you weigh 100 pounds. On the sun you would weigh 2800 pounds or almost one and a half tons. However, we shall never be able to stand on the face of the sun. The surface is a cauldron of seething gases and the coolest spot, inside a sunspot, is around 4,000 centigrade degrees.

This surface gravity of the sun is estimated from its size and weight. In weight, we would need more than 300,000 earths to equal it. In size, the sun could swallow the earth and the moon1s orbit. In fact, if the earth were in the center of the sun, the moons orbit would be a little more than halfway from the center to the outside surface.



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