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Laura Huff, age 10, of Portland, Ore., for her question:


A cacomistle is a small nocturnal mammal that belongs to the raccoon family. The cacomistie, which in Spanish means "halt mountain lion, 11 is common to wooded and rocky areas from Oregon to Mexico.

The animal, also called bassarisk, weights about two and a half pounds and has a slender body that is about 16 inches long. The tail is usually about 15 inches long.

A cacomistle's face is fox like, its ears are erect and large, and it has bright eyes that are surrounded by light patches of fur. The animal's coat is long and soft, light brown above and darker along the back, and the long, bushy tail has six or eight broad white rings. The under part of the body are white.

The cacomistle feeds on rodents and fruit.


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