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Lana Kester, age 10, of Decatur, Ill., for her question:


Colic is a severe cramping pain in an abdominal organ. Many babies and some children and adults suffer from it.

Doctors tell us that they do not fully understand the causes of colic, especially in babies. The disease may occur if the baby's digestive system has not developed enough to handle its food properly.

Indigestion may cause gas to form in the intestines, resulting in colic. Some persons develop colic as a result of emotional tension. The disorder may also be caused by lead or arsenic poisoning, blood diseases, gallstones, kidney stones, narrowing of the intestines, intestinal worms or appendicitis.

Treatment of colic depends on the cause. Giving a baby a pacifier may help reduce tension. Patting the baby's back gently may help the baby expel gas: In some cases it may be necessary to change the kind or amount of a baby's food. In most cases, babies outgrow the disease.

A doctor should be notified if colic pain persists.



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