Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1960

Title Author Hits
How come a fish can live underwater and we can't? Written by Andy Hits: 6787
What makes the sky blue? Written by Andy Hits: 7366
Where does the moon get its light? Written by Andy Hits: 10357
Is a tomato a fruit? Written by Andy Hits: 6654
how many light years away is the nearest star? Written by Andy Hits: 11466
What are the dog days? Written by Andy Hits: 6823
Is it really bad luck to break a mirror? Written by Andy Hits: 10236
Is the earth the warmest planet Written by Andy Hits: 6727
How does the moon cause the tides? Written by Andy Hits: 7651
How many shooting stars fall in a year? Written by Andy Hits: 9994


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