Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
How do eels make electricity? Written by Andy Hits: 6778
Which is the eastern most tip of the united states? Written by Andy Hits: 6021
Why is there so much helium in texas? Written by Andy Hits: 7306
Does the sun have an atmosphere? Written by Andy Hits: 5625
How are plastics made? Written by Andy Hits: 5440
How do scientists know about the earth's mantle? Written by Andy Hits: 5904
What is pigeon's milk? Written by Andy Hits: 7812
Who discovered the pacific ocean? Written by Andy Hits: 5995
What does the honeybee dance mean? Written by Andy Hits: 6133
Can a snake back out of a hole? Written by Andy Hits: 10189


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