Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
Is it true that the atmosphere is in layers? Written by Andy Hits: 553
How does an earthworm tell light? Written by Andy Hits: 686
How big is a redwood seed? Written by Andy Hits: 1012
Why does a lizard's tail fall off? Written by Andy Hits: 774
Why does wind direction change at different altitudes? Written by Andy Hits: 5314
Why are all rainbows the same colors? Written by Andy Hits: 1019
What exactly are sea urchins? Written by Andy Hits: 763
Why can't we, see evaporated water? Written by Andy Hits: 2004
Why hasn't erosion had time to level the earth? Written by Andy Hits: 1060
How many different snails are there? Written by Andy Hits: 595


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