Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
What exactly is in the earth's atmosphere? Written by Andy Hits: 585
What is the mohorovicic discontinuity? Written by Andy Hits: 942
Is it true that carrots help the eyes? Written by Andy Hits: 572
What sort of ship did drake sail against the armada? Written by Andy Hits: 554
How far does the monarch butterfly fly? Written by Andy Hits: 951
How do organic farms keep bugs away? Written by Andy Hits: 1420
Why is the javelina called the farm hog? Written by Andy Hits: 728
Why does the earth have more gravity than the moon? Written by Andy Hits: 1379
Why can't penguins fly? Written by Andy Hits: 762
What are gibbons like? Written by Andy Hits: 674


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