Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
How does a fish get his food Written by Andy Hits: 1127
Where so we get our winter supply of oxygen? Written by Andy Hits: 3055
How did the robin bet its name? Written by Andy Hits: 1270
Will you explain the words atom and atomic? Written by Andy Hits: 1047
What makes the sun shine Written by Andy Hits: 1034
Was king arthur a real person? Written by Andy Hits: 1053
How do flies crawl on the ceiling? Written by Andy Hits: 1690
Is there a large snake that crushes its prey? Written by Andy Hits: 3825
How did the atlantic ocean get its name? Written by Andy Hits: 5025
How can you tell a monarch from a viceroy butterfly? Written by Andy Hits: 3529


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