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Lawrence M . Shuman, aged 10, of Dorc: ester; :

Why, is the male bird brighter than the female?

It is true that many male birds wear fancier feathers than their wives. Mr. Bird of Paradise spends most of his time preening and admiring himself. His wife is a plain, drab little lady who spends most of her time with the home and babies. Her husband is not a. very good father.

Some male birds wear their fancy plumage only during the courting season. The idea, of course, is to attract a rife. Mr. Bird struts and parades before her. She chooses him if he is handsome enough. Miss Penguin, however, is too sensible to choose on looks alone. Her beau has to bring smooth, round pebbles for her approval. A good pebble picker makes a good next builder in the world of penguins.

Mrs. Bird, it seems, need not bother with fancy clothes. However, she usually wears more modest colors for another reason. It is her job to sit on the nest and hatch the babies. Later, she must return to the nest with food for the children. It would not do for her to be too showy. She might attract too much attention and lead robbers to the neat.


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