Nancy Hoff age 9, of Cornwells Heights Penn.,
Where do they measure sea level from?
The mighty ocean covers over three quarters of the globe, Its restless waters are forever heaving with the tides. High tide pulls up the waters over one quarter of the globe into a mountainous pile. At the same time, high tide piles up on the opposite quarter of the globe, In between the heaving waters fall to low tides.
The level of the ocean is changing all the time. The deep oceans, every channel, beach and bay has high tide twice in every 24 hours, Yet we hear such definite figures about sea level. This or that mountain, we learn, is exactly so many feet above sea level. And the level of the sea is forever changing,
Naturally, the experts agreed upon one set time to measure the level of the sea, Which do you think would be fairest, high tide, low tide or in between? Exactly in the middle, of course, Heights on earth are measured from sea level which is taken exactly between high tide and low tide.