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Marie Walker age 11, Cleveland, Oho, or her questions

Where was the lost continent?

There are many old tales of lands lost under the sea. The most dramatic is the story of Atlantis, a whole continent which is supposed to have sunk beneath the Atlantic ocean. There are written reports of how an island, said to be the last of Atlantis, sank below the sea some 2000 years ago,

How much of all this is legend and how much is fact, we cannot tell. Modern experts know a great deal about the mid‑Atlantic ocean floors where Atlantis was supposed to have been. Even today great mountains poke up from the ocean bed to form islands and groups of islands,

In Ice Age days  the level of the seas was lower, More of the ocean floor was dry land. The islands of the mid‑Atlantic were larger and more numerous, Certainly this land area shrank as the glaciers melted to fill up the seas. Coastlines and entire low lying islands must have sunk below the sea,

There is not much evidence that Atlantis was a continent of solid land. But there may well have been a larger series of islands in the mid‑Atlantic, They may have stretched across almost from the old World to the New, But we do not know this for certain.


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