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Stanley Whittaker, age 11, of Hoyt Station, N.B., for his question:

 Where did the goldfish originate?

The goldfish is a native of Southern China. The handsome strains which we buy to add a touch of glamour to the decor are very different from their wild relatives. These wild fish are dull bronze or silver. Yet our golden beauties are all descended from such drab ancestors.

The Chinese began to domesticate goldfish about 1000 years ago. They selected wild fish which happened to have a yellowish tone. In time, the glamorous goldfish strain was developed from these selections. Fantails and gorgeous veiltail strains were developed later.

The Japanese started to domesticate goldfish soon after the Chinese. But the little darlings did not get to Europe until the 18th Century. They were imported to America around 1850. Now the pretty creatures may be found sharing the homes of people almost all over the world. But the original home of all their ancestors was in Southern China.


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