Welcome to You Ask Andy

Anthony Conta, age 9, of Houston, Texas, for his question:

When was the Pleistocene Age?

The Pleistocene Age ended about 25,000 years ago. It had lasted a million years and during these years the stage was finally set for modern man. The Great Lakes were formed during this age of geological history and the inner gorge was cut into Grand Canyon.

The climate at the start of the Pleistocene Age was cold. The weather became warm and cool by turns. For this is the period when the bitter Ice Ages came and went. The vast glaciers tore at the face of the earth. The horse disappeared from North America and the world saw the last of the woolly mammoth, the cave bear and the saber‑toothed tiger.

The geological time in which we live is the Recant Age. It began as the last glaciers retreated. Ours is a time of gentle climate and few volcanoes. Conditions are perfect for we lucky humans to enjoy our beautiful planet and develop the talents which God has given us.


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