Patty Lang, age 8 of Denver Colo., for her question:
Do frogs really give warts?
Andy had never heard that frogs caused warts. But he did know the old saying that you can get warts from handling a toad. As a matter of fact both rumors are quite untrue. Warts are caused by a virus infection. This often happens to tissues weakened by a bruise or a scratch. The hard bump of a wart usually stops growing and disappears of its own accord. It may be removed more quickly with X‑ray or radium. It may also be burned away with tincture of iodine.
The rumor that toads cause warts probably arose because of the poor fellow's skin. He is often covered with warty bumps. Some people must have thought those bumps were catching. This is just not true. The toad is not a handsome animal. But he makes a fascinating pet. And if you are gentle, you can handle the ugly old fellow with complete safety. He won't bite you and ho cant scratch you and he most certainly cannot give you the warts from his back.