Kenny Bowers age 13, of Louisville, Kentucky for his question:
Are there aurochs living today?
The last of the aurochs perished around 1627, over 300 years ago.The final home of these wild cattle was in a forested region of Poland though at one time they roamed all over Europe. There are no aurochs alive today but, strange to say, they did not entirely vanish from the scheme of nature. For it is believed that certain breeds of European domestic cattle are descended from the wild aurochs. The ancestors perished, but the descendants survived as somewhat different animals.
The aurochs, whose name is the same in the singular and the plural was a giant wild ox. Skulls and bones found in the Thames valley indicate that he stood six feet at shoulder level. From a portrait made in 1550, we know that he was a massive black fellow with a huge head and sharp, slender horns.