Welcome to You Ask Andy

Karen Bryant, age 12, Shrevport; LA for her question‑.

How many inches in diameter is the earth?

The diameter of the earth is, .of course, a straight line from side to side clear through the center. It so happens that your earth is a slightly flattened sphere, a little wider through the waist than through the poles, The difference, however, is only 26,68g miles and scaled doom to the size of ~, our beautiful gift it would be less than one 25th part of an. inch.

The size of our wonderful earth has been measured fairly accurately, but Andy doubts whether these measurements have bean refined down to inches, The diameters, through the equator and through the poles, are given in miles and fractions of miles. Since every 12 year old loves doing sums, you nay do this translation job for yourself.

The diameter of the earth through the equator is estimated to be 7826.677 miles. The diameter through the poles is 7899.988 miles. There are 5082 feet in a mile and twelve inches in a foot. To get the diameters in inches you multiply by 5082 and then by 12 ‑ and give or take a few inches you will have what you want to know.


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