Fred Fisher, age 10.9 of Philadelphia
How much heavier is the earth than the moon"
The diameter of the moon is a little more than a quarter that of the earth. And, if the earth were hollow, five moons could be packed into it. However, the moon is made of much lighter material than is the earth. So, for its size, it does not weigh nearly as much.
The Earth weighs about 83 times more than the moon. Since the earth weighs about 6 sextillion, 570 quintillion tons, we can estimate the moon’s weight by dividing this fantastic number by 83. Earth’s weight in tons is written as 6,570 followed by 18 zeros.
Divided by 83 this comes to a little more than 79 followed by 18 zeros. On the scales, then, our golden moon would be a little more than 79 quintillion tons.
For more information on the moon go to: