Welcome to You Ask Andy

Alvin Jenkins, age 12, of Tuscon, Ariziona;

Where does the name Arizona come from?

We are not certain about this, But we suspect that its beautiful sounding name was given to the beautiful state of Arizona by the Pima Indians. They called the territory there about Arizonac. This word vas coined from two of their smaller words. Ari is the Pima Indian word for small. Zonac is their word for a spring. Arizona, then was their word for a place where a little spring was to be found. Since these people did note irrigate the land, they must have been very happy to find a little spring of good water in the desert,

However we got the name Arizona, it is certainly a lovely sounding word. It calls to mind the Painted Desert, the Petrified forests and the Grand Canyon. Sometimes we call it the Grand Canyon State. The state flower is the lily white blossom that grows on the tall saguaro cactus, The state bird is the auto little cactus wren. Such a land of scenic wonder is something to‑sing about. And the state song to sing is, of course, titled Arizona.


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