Connie Brogan, age 12 of Cape Elizabet Maine,
What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?
The little kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has two capital cities. One is the everyday city of Riyadh where business of government is carried on. It is a desert town of 60,000 population]
The joint capital of Saudi Arabia is Mecca. This is a religious city, sacred to the memory of the prophet Mohammed who was born there. The Moslems who follow his teachings allow no member of any other religious faith to enter the walls of their sacred city. Mecca has a population of 50000 which makes it the largest city of the land. Once a year its walls are filled with faithful Moslems who make pilgrimages from all over the world.
Cities are small in Saudi Arabia and their populations come and go. For it is desert country and most of the people are wandering Bedouins, There is enough rainfall to grow plenty of dates. But large farming operations are impossible. A little grain, fruits and vegetables are grown and camels and goats graze on the skimpy grasses of the highlands, Most of the countrys income is from its petroleum supplies.