Welcome to You Ask Andy

Jeanne Marie Benson. age 9. of Lancaster. Penn.

How does a baby penguin get it’s food?

The baby penguin may be born in a grass‑.lined hollow in the cold ground. He may even be born in a cradle of solid ice. Being a bird. he hatches from an egg. He may have one or two brothers or sisters. His coat is a coarse. drab‑colored down. The little chick is not at all like his smooth and dapper parents.

His slicks black and white parents fish for his foods They swim and dive in the icy waters for fish.. shrimp and squids. The food is swallowed and partly digested in the parents' crop. Junior is there to meet his parents when they come ashore. He can pick out his own Mom or Pop from a hundred other full‑grown penguins.

And he knows just where to find his dinner Mom or Pop opens up a wide mouth and Junior dips his beak down into the crop. It’s a tug of war for a minute. but Junior always wins.  He fills up with partly digested sea food from his parent’s crop.

This goes on for many weeks. Junior is not able to take to the ocean until he is almost fully grown. By that time he will be wearing a neat. feathery dinner jacket.. just like his parents. He is now ready to fish and digest his food for himself.


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