John Lovell age 8 of Nashville Tenn
What makes a carrier pigeon come home?
We have a good idea why a carrier piL4oon. tries so hard. to return to his home. But we have no idea how he can find his way back there over places he has never seen before.. He can be carried in a crate over miles and miles of strange country. When released.. he will circle round a few times perhaps getting his bearings. Then he sets off in a straight line for home„ He makes very goad time and pauses only when he has to rest.
He goes straight home because he is such an affectionate bird. Mr. and Mrs. Pigeon are most devoted to each other. Certain pigeons are able to put matters right should they become separated. These are the famous carrier pigeons. Such pigeons have been known for thousands of years. The best ones have been selected by careful breeding.
As everyone knows we use the carrier pigeon to carry messages. But the pigeon does not set out on his journey with the idea of carrying a message for us. He is simply using his magic to find his way home to his family.