Barbara Heilmam aged 10 of` Allentown.. PA
What is peat moss?.
Peat may be formed from several: kinds of moss. However the moss; must be one that is fond of water. It must be able to live as a water plant. For peat is made in wets swampy ground. Sometimes: its is made in an old lake. Each new generation of peat‑making. mass grows on the top of older generations. Below the surface is a layer of mud, water and rotting plants. This mixture in time forms peat.
Most peat bogs. contain a mixture of different mosses and other plants. But one moss in particular makes so much peat that is: often called the teat mesas. It is call Sphagnum moss. Sphagnum moss has longs. fern‑like fronds. It can grown very fast and it fills in damp holes in the ground. In a~ ahort time, when the. peat. is. out and dried its. makes fine fuel that. gives off at pleasant smell.
Saphagmoss. has; other uses; besides making peat. Its long fronds are often dried to make: packing material.. Florists often pack. its around ‑ plants roots and bulbs to be shipped long distances. The springy moss is also prepared for use as surgical dressings.