Brent Derricottp age 11 of Boise. Idaho
How does a pearl get in an oyster?
The beautiful pearl in the homely old oyster seems to be a great mystery for this is one of the most popular questions from Andy’s friends. So those whose questions were not chosen please try again.
The pearl is made by the oyster though he does not enjoy the job at all.. He begins by being scratched or bitten. He ends by using up the precious stuff he uses to line his shell. Insides his walls are lined with a nifty stuff called nacre that glows with delicate tints. Only the outside of the oyster is homely.
The oyster is forever paintings or recoating the inside of his shell with nacre. His soft body needs to rest against a smooth and comfortable surface. Nevertheless once in a while something can happen to make him uncomfortable. A bit of sand or a small sea worm gets inside his shell and irritates him. So: next time he does his walls over he gives a coat of nacre to the invader. He also does this the next time and the next time.
In time the worm or bit of sand is heavily coated with naore. This goes on and one The layers of nacre are built up into a round. glowing pearl. The invader is buried deep inside the pearl.