James Mille. age 9 of Gardens. C alif.
How many hairs are there on an average human head?
One way to find out is to count. them one by one. Those with bald heads would finish the job long before those with a full crop ‑ say the Mortimer Snerds of this world. To get an average you would have to count the hairs on about 1000 heads of different types. Then divide the answer by a thousand.
This tiresome job has not been done. But estimates; have been arrived at. none the less. It is not so hard to count the hairs on m square inch of scalp and multiply the answer by the scale area. If you are not already bald. or going bald. you can estimate well over 100.000 hairs on your head. An average full head of hair has that many.
If you are a blond. natural types you will have even more hairs on your head. For blond hair is finer and sprouts; more threads to the square inch. Brown and black heads have fewer hairs than blondies and towheads. Their color tends to make for coarsest hair‑ fewer to the square inch. Redheads have the fewest hairs. though a full head carries its quota of 100,000 or more. Red hair tends to be the coarsest though extremely handsome.