Olivia Nosal. age 12. of Bridgeport. Conn
How did the term Siamese Twins originate?
Chang and Eng were born in the country of Siam. way back in 1811. They were twins but they were very special twins. Their two bodies were joined together with a band of strong cartilage. Each had his own body and each could think for himself. But they were tied together. Where one went. the other must go too.
Their mother we are told. was a very sensible woman. She made no special fuss and taught her boys to enjoy the things that all children enjoy. They learned to walk. to run. to play and even to swim ‑ always together. In spite of the strange situation. they grew up healthily and happily.
Later they joined a circus. People in many countries paid money to see the wonder of two bodies joined together. All the world got to know Chang and Eng ‑ the Siamese twins. Only once in a long. long time are such twins born. We call them Siamese Twins in honor of Chang and Eng who enjoyed all the good things of life for 63 years.