Welcome to You Ask Andy

Colleen Granton, age 8, of St. Catharines,  Ontario for her question;

How old are the pyramids?

The pyramids of Egypt were built as monumental tombs for the ancient Pharaohs. The fashion lasted for. about one thousand years, through the heyday of Egypt’s prosperity. The Age of Pyramids started when a huge tiered building was erected near ancient Memphis. This was about 2700 B.C.

After this, it was proper for each of the pharaohs to have a monumental pyramid built for himself.  Most of these ancient buildings have long since crumbled to debris. Three of the sturdiest pyramids, however, stand in good shape to the present day.

These are called the Great Pyramids of Egypt. They were constructed during the prosperous time of the Fourth Dynasty ‑ or fourth royal family of Kings. The Fourth Dynasty of Egypt lasted from 2650 to 2500 B.C. This means that the majestic pyramids were erected between 4000 and 5000 years ago.


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