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Carol Patrie f age 9, of of Rochester, New York, for her question:

Is the larch a true pine?

The pine tree family is divided into six sub‑families. The true pines belong in the first of these sub‑families or genera. They go under the name of Pinus. The larches are classed in the second. group, which is named Larix. In North America we have almost 40 different true pines. We have, however, only three different larch trees.

Pines and larches are alike in that they are; cone‑bearing evergreens, The leaves of both are slim dark needles. Ono difference between them, however, does occur in their leaves. The needles of the true pine last for three years or more. The larch sheds its needles every year. It is the only conifer tree which does this.


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