Welcome to You Ask Andy

Anne Goff, age l0, of Florence, S.C. , for her question:

Do lions and tigers purr?

The purring of a contented kitten is one of the sweetest sounds in the world. The everyday voice of a cat, We must admit, is not very charming  but her purring makes up for those yells and yowls, shrieks and screams. she shares her purry gifts with a few other animals, all of them members of the feline family.  Most of the felines live in the wild, and it is not easy to observe their quiet
Moments of contentment. We know that the lynx and the scrappy, wild bobcat purr when they feel extra pleased. so do the tigers and the mountain lions. Andy does not know for surf whether the king of beasts and his royal family purr in times of blissful content. But old Clarence the cross eyed lion is so much like an overgrown house cat that we certainly would let him to purr.


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