Welcome to You Ask Andy

Michele Smith, age' 8, of Webster., for her  question:

How long does a pet cat live

Miss Puss may lead a useful life for 14 years or more. Her life may be shortened by accident or illness. We cannot do much to protect her from passing cars. But we can save her from most of the catty illnesses. We take her to the cat doctor who gives her infections. He will tell you when to bring her back for fresh shots. Miss Puss does not mind this at all.

Puss is a growing kitten until she is about one year old. If you love her and play with her, she may keep her kittenish ways all her life. She will b e a very old lady when she is 14 years old. This is her normal life span. But certain eats have been known to live for 19, 20 and even 30 years.


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