Welcome to You Ask Andy

 Bruce McAllister age 12, of Visalia Ca „

Is the salmon a fresh or salt water fish?

Every salmon is born 3n fresh water  He hatches from a fish egg and spends his kindergarten days along with countless young friends and relatives in the clear waters of some running stream, After a year or two, he usually wends his way down to the sea and spends the next few years of has life traveling far and wide in the oceans, Then he returns to the fresh water stream in which he was born and helps start a new generation of salmon  After the eggs are spawned in fresh water, the ocean‑going parent fish usually perish 

These salmon are both fresh and salt water fish  However, the parent salmon who have lived for years on sea food, do not eat any food when they return to fresh water for spawning, And there are a few salmon who never go to sea, They live in landlocked lakes and are fresh bracer fish all their lives. 


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