Welcome to You Ask Andy

Vicky Patterson age' 9, of Winston‑Salem,

How does a bee carry necter

The busy worker bee leaves the hive to go shopping for groceries  She carries a pair of shopping baskets, one on each hind leg and a grocery bag in her tummy  The baskets are tufts of stiff whiskers into which she stuffs grains of golden pollen  The bag in her tummy is for carrying a small drop of sweet # syrupy nectar,

The bee has a long, narrow tongue somewhat like a straw for sipping soda  She dips her head down into the throat of a flower, sticks out her tongue and sips up the nectar, She swallows it down into the bag in her tummy, which is called a honey stomach, There special chemicals are added to the nectar while the little shopper flies home to the hive, Then she coughs up the nectar in her honey stomach  She may feed it to a hungry bee or she may store it in a white waxen hive, until it ripens into honey 


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