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Is the charge of the north magnetic pole positive or negative?

The terms positive and negative are applied to electricity and the magnetic pole concerns magnetism. We suspect that these two great forces, electricity and magnetism are twin sisters and certainly they work together in many respects. But we do not call the opposite ends of a magnet positive and negative. We call them the north and south poles because one is attracted to the earths north magnetic pole and the other to the earths south magnetic pole.

Magnetic poles attract each other by opposites. Two north poles repel each other, as do two South poles. A north and south pole attract each other, or pull together. When freely suspended, any little magnet points one pole to the earths north magnetic pole. Actually, the pole of the magnet and the earth’s pole must be opposites. This is why it is more correct to refer to the little magnets north  seeking pole rather than its north pole.



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