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Fonda Camp, age 13, of Monica.. I11., for the question:

Who invented totem pole?

All of our remote ancestors held that certain animals or plants were special and therefore sacred to them. Thisues so in the dim dark totem worship of the human race. One tribe or family held to the bear as a totem, another to the eagle. In time, mankind learned to worship the true spiritual God and gave up his totem. Some tribes made this great step forward sooner than others.

Indian totem poles are leftovers from this primitive worship in manta remote past. We might say that carrying a rabbit's foot for good luck is also such a leftover. So let's not feel superior. Totem poles have survived perhaps because they are a form of art. A tall tree trunk, carved with human and animal faces and painted bright colors, is very impressive. This method of totem worship was invented by the Indians of Alaska, British Columbia and other northwestern regions of North America,



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