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Judy Phillips,  age 13, of Dallas., Texas, for her question:

Where do husky dogs come from?

The Eskimos at the top of the world would be helpless without these strong, thick coated dogs. Actually, we are wrong to call all of them huskies, for there are three distinct breeds of these Arctic dogs. TherE is the Siberian husky, who comes from the wide, white wastelands of Siberia and Northern Asia. There is the Alaskan malamute, or malamute, whose home, of course, is our 49th state. Then there is the Eskimo dog whose native home is northern Canada and the Yukon. However, any of these breeds may be found working hard for mankind anywhere in the Apctio territory, in Asia or America.

These splendid dogs have lived in the Arctic regions since the dawn of time and for countless ages they have been domesticated by the Eskimooo Their thick coats make it possible for them to stay outdoors through the coldest polar night and their wide, hairy paws can carry them over miles of snow. Even when bred with northern wolves, these animals do not lose their obedience and devotion to mankind.



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