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Ralph Birch age 12, for his question:

How many North Poles are there?

If we count the magnetic poles, then our earth has two North Poles. The earth, as we know, spins around on its axis   am imaginary line through, the center, rather like a round wheel spins around its axle. The two ends of the earth's axis are the North and South Poles at opposite ends of the big globe. We call them the earth's geographic poles and give them the honor of capital letters.

The earth is also a giant magnet and all magnets, big and little, have north and south poles. The earth has a North Magnetic Pole aid a South Magnetic pole, which also start with capital letters. The Narrth Magnetic Pole is about 1,054 miles south of the geographic North Pole, near Prince of Wales Island in North Canada. The South Magnetic Pole is about 1,526 miles from the geographic South Pole.



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