Welcome to You Ask Andy

 Susan Shelton, age 12, of Winston Salem, No. Carolina, for her question:

Where do butterflies go in the rain?

Butterfly wings seem to be covered with powder. Actually the wings are delicate membranes covered with tiny scales. These mini scales add the velvety texture and the gorgeous colors. They are meant to protect the gauzy membranes but they are loosely attached. When rubbed or rinsed they come off like fine powder. If a butterfly loses too much of this pow¬dery stuff, her wings may become too fragile to fly.

Fortunately, nature provides a million umbrellas to keep the butter¬flies dry during a shower. They are the green leaves that crowd on every summer bough. When it rains, the sensible butterflies flutter into the trees and bushes and shelter under the little green umbrellas until the shower is over. Most butterflies live only a few days so not much damage is done to theft velvety wings. But a few survive the winter. The mon¬archs fly south to warmer climates and take shelter among the greenery. The mourning cloak stays close to home and shelters in a hollow tree or in some other weather proof pocket.  



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