Welcome to You Ask Andy

Tom Major, age 12, of Portland, Me., for his question:


Luther Burbank was one of America's most famous horticulturists and a developer of new plants, trees, fruits, flowers and vegetables. Born in Tpancaster, Mass., in 1847, he did much of his work on a farm near .his home in Santa Rosa, Calif.

Perhaps Burbank's outstanding discovery was the excellent potato that bears his name. His experiments with prunes and plums completely changed the growing of these fruits in California. The plumcot, one of Burbank's creations which combined a Japanese plum and the apricot, also was considered a great achievement.

Burbank's most outstanding flower was the great Shasta daisy. This world famous flower was the offspring of the English daisy, the white Japanese daisy and the wild American daisy.



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